Level 2 Award for Door Supervisors in the Private Security Industry

Level 2 Award for Door Supervisors in the Private Security Industry

The SIA Door Supervisor licence offers a gateway to a rewarding career and is unique as it qualifies an individual work as a SIA Door Supervisor. A SIA Door Supervisor is able to operate in entertainment venues where alcohol is being served such as hotels, casinos, nightclubs and other venues. In addition to this, a SIA Door Supervisor is also able to operate at festivals, rallies and concerts all over the UK.

Essential qualification for those working or seeking work as a Door Supervisor in the private security industry. The qualification is a pre-requisite under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act (2001) for individuals wishing to apply to the Security Industry Authority for a licence to work as a Door Supervisor. Our highly experienced tutors will deliver only the best in relation to any training we offer. All our venues are equipped with state of the art presentation facilities to aid learning.



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